Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Why Being Strong Is Important--Ladies...

Being strong is awesome. I could end right there but I wont. As some of you know, I have been training and competing in Olympic lifting tournaments for the last seven months and really enjoying it! I am the strongest I have ever been. In my last competition I was able to Clean & Jerk my body with, 72kg or 158lbs. I was very excited to say the least. Here's the video:

In all honesty, it is really funny being a "competitive weightlifter." When people either find out or I tell them, some of the responses and looks I get are down right hilarious. The looks of horror, awe and bewilderment are very entertaining. I think most people think that I will look like this.... but that just isn't the case... AND IT NEVER WILL BE!

 (this is not a picture of me....)

Being strong is important for your health, but it's also very convenient. Going through daily life, moving things, carrying groceries, kids, carrying luggage through the airport and rough housing with my brothers, I have noticed that things are just easier. A couple of weeks ago I was walking to meet some friends in down town Minneapolis at 11pm (I don't recommend this). I was by myself and started to feel very uncomfortable in regard to my safety. Thankfully, nothing happened. My point in sharing this story is that I feel like because I am strong I was able to walk with my head up. Also, if I had been attacked, my chances of getting away/surviving are much higher because I am strong.

(Right before I broke 575lbs off the ground. Okay, that's a lie.)

 Being strong is also very important for your health, especially as a woman. Increasing muscle mass increases your metabolism, and helps you burn fat. Less fat is good for reducing heart disease, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing insulin resistance to name a few. Increasing muscle also increases bone density. This is very important to prevent the onset of osteoporosis which is common in older women.

Now, if you are a women reading this, I know what you're thinking....

"If I lift heavy weights I'm going to get man arms and look bulky."

Ladies, I hate to burst your bubble, but this just isn't the case. We lack the muscle swelling, strength building hormone called testosterone. If you are scarred of looking like the lady pictured above, FEAR NO MORE! To achieve that type of "look," you would have to extremely intentional about your lifting program, diet, and supplementation. Even with that, it could take years. I love picking up heavy things and putting them back down. I do it about five times a week. If you saw me walking down the street you might think that I go to the gym regularly, but by no means would you think I'm a competitive weight lifter or extremely strong. I actually think I look pretty normal. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this post! Feel free to leave comments or questions in the comment section.

Until Next Time,


  1. I'm soooooo glad you don't want to look like that picture.

    I would love to get into shape like you talk about but I do great the first week, but get bored, tired, hurt, sore, frustrated, bored, did I mention bored?, trying to do it by myself and add in my crazy school schedule and living in a remote place with very few workout opportunities (ask Amanda) and I just keep failing at getting in shape. Yeah, I know those are all excuses, but they're pretty valid too. Well, at least some of them are. So, you know how crossfit posts specific workouts? I think you should come up with some old lady workouts that are interesting and one can do at home....and read at home. Sometimes trying to translate some of those is impossible.

    I bet I sound pathetic.

    Back to studying.

    Love your blog.

    1. Tammy, you don't sound pathetic! You are just voicing what I think a lot of women feel. Most people are super busy and have a lot on their plate. It's just the way of life these days. I have thought about creating workouts that you can do in home with minimal equipment. I don't think I am quite ready to actually do it but I am looking into what that would take! Hopefully, in the not to distant future it will happen. I will make sure to let you know when it does!

      Also, I totally understand the boredom... The key is finding something you enjoy and doing that. For me it is lifting heavy weights. I get a weird satisfaction from it. For my mom it is doing ballet. I know for myself i could never do distance running,I would be bored out of my mind! :)

      So, with all that said, try different things! You might just find something you really like! Hopefully, I will be able to do some in home workouts!

      God Bless! :)

  2. LOVE lifting! I've gotten great results and feel amazingly strong and confident from being able to show myself what I can do. Building gym time into my crazy schedule as a toddler's mom and a professional is the No. 1 best gift I've been able to give myself.

    1. Yes! You are able to give more of yourself to the people in your life when you take time for yourself! :)
