Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Make Sure To Eat Your Carbs

I'm back! After 3 weeks of constantly running life is starting to slow down a bit and hopefully allow me to get back to writing more consistently. My gypsy lifestyle can be pretty crazy at times but thankfully, as much as I've enjoyed this season new things are just round the corner and I'll make sure to update all of you soon.

So, I hope the title of this post grabbed your attention. As a athlete in high school we would have team meals before games and these meals almost always consisted of spaghetti or lasagna or some other type of pasta. I'm not sure where or when people begain to think we need to eat a bunch of carbs before a big event such as a basketball game, tennis match or marathon but I believe this mentality is flawed.

When we eat breads and pastas, even if they are "whole grain," our body quickly metabolizes these carbs into sugar within our blood stream. This increase insulin levels and will give a short burst of energy due to high sugar levels but then there is the inevitable crash post sugar high.

It is true, your body does need carbohydrates, however, contrary to popular belief, these carbs do not need to come from pastas or breads. Fruits and vegetables in your daily diet will not only give your body the carbohydrates it needs to run efficiently but will also keep your blood sugar and insulin levels balanced, giving you sustained energy, and fueling your fat burning machine.

I would like to challenge all of you to start to rethinking your carbs. Making small changes in this area over time can produce big results and over time your craving for starchy carbs will decrease.

Best of luck! Please feel free to leave any questions in the comment section below.

Until Next Time,

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