Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Progression of Choice

The progression of choices. A conversation I had last week got me thinking. All the choices I make on a daily and hourly basis have brought me to were I am right now. This is true for every area of my life. My job, my health, my finances and my relationships.

As sad as the video above is, I love what it shows. We didn't get sick or unhealthy overnight. Choices that we've made brought us to where we are at this moment.

So then the question becomes, what will it take to change? If we focus in on just changing one thing will we really be able to be successful in long-term, sustainable change? I think some would argue that you wouldn't be able to. Changing eating patterns goes far beyond just changing the food in your cupboards. What is the root cause of your unhealthy eating habits? There is no cookie cutter answer. People eat because they are stressed. They eat for emotional reasons. They for social reasons... the list goes on.

It is important to identify what is the main cause of unhealthy habits, because this will need to be addressed. However, I think to truly make lasting change not just one thing in your life changes, but a large portion of it. If it is true that all your past choices have brought you to this point, major changes are going to be implemented so that a year from now you can look back at the thousands of choices which hopefully lead you to a point of living a healthier life.

To try and wrap my thoughts up, I don't believe someone is going to change their whole way of living overnight. That just doesn't work. The key is to try and start a domino effect. One change that will domino into a whole lifestyle of change. This happens one choice at a time.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. What you say makes me think of a little book I just read, The 1% Solution. Have you read it?
